Get a live dashboard of all your consumer data so you can see what they see.
Compare your average spend against inflation and monitor your whole household's data from one dashboard.
Stay Informed in the Information Age
Visualise your Data
Did you know if you stacked all the teabags that the average British person has drunk in the last 10 years then your tower would be taller than 10 Eiffel Towers? Have you ever wondered how the prices of your average basket of goods compares to inflation? At the Café we don't just give you your data back, we provide you with an interactive dashboard embedded with AI to help you understand it.

Artificial Intelligence
Your data dashboard comes embedded with the latest AI machine learning algorithms so that you're on the same level as the big tech giants.
Our AI comes with strict sandbox restrictions and will depend on your own controls to decide how you make use of it.
Artificial Intelligence and automation can be both a defining solution and problem for our times, depending on how we negotiate it. Many AI models have been trained on large sets of data without compensating the subjects they may one day replace. It is our view that the implementation of AI into our society must go hand in hand with the fair compensation of the raw material it uses, our data.

Premium Membership vs Free Tier
Our goal at the Data Union Café is to unite stakeholders around Fair Trade Data with Information and Collaboration. That's why our free tier includes access to our powerful price comparison feature to make sure you get the best value for your loyalty card data.
However, only premium accounts will get access to premium dashboard features like sharing household data insights, connecting their smart devices or importing their bank accounts to maximise the value of their data.
Our Fiduciary Duty to You
When you join the Data Union Café you gain trusted Data Intermediary Services which are regulated under EU law. This means we carry an important fiduciary duty to you. There is therefore nothing more important to us than the security of your data and making sure you get a fair trade deal for it wherever you go online.