All your household data in one place
Manage your smart devices, protect vulnerable members of your family, set universal privacy controls and get better deals for utilities.
How it works
Household Plan
This plan is designed for households and comes with 5 individual memberships under 1 roof. While all data remains private, admins can monitor the progress of data requests on behalf of the members of their household and set privacy controls for their children on social media. Further down the line, you can publish your anonymised data as a household and receive competitive switching offers from utilities.

Premium Membership vs Free Tier
Our goal at the Data Union Café is to unite stakeholders around Fair Trade Data with Information and Collaboration. That's why our free tier includes access to our powerful price comparison feature to make sure you get the best value for your loyalty card data.
However, only premium accounts will get access to premium dashboard features like sharing household data insights, connecting their smart devices or importing their bank accounts to maximise the value of their data.
Our Fiduciary Duty to You
When you join the Data Union Café you gain trusted Data Intermediary Services which are regulated under EU law. This means we carry an important fiduciary duty to you. There is therefore nothing more important to us than the security of your data and making sure you get a fair trade deal for it wherever you go online.