Take control of your data. Join the
Data Union Café.
The Data Union Café is a fair trade data platform designed for both consumers and advocacy organisations.
Join the waitlist for our data union platform.

The Data Union Café is a loyalty program... but with a twist.
Why you need a household membership.
Private Network
One place to manage who has your data
Live Dashboard
Get a live dashboard of all your consumer data so you can see what they see.
Data Banking
Treat your data union membership as a bank account for the information economy.
Enterprise Grade Security
We have privacy and security by design so your data is safe.
Household Management (coming soon)
All your household data in one place
Live API Integration (coming soon)
APIs that allow seamless integration wherever your data lies.
Join the fair trade data movement with just a few clicks.
Prioritize your data dignity and leave the administration to the Café.
Just like signing up to a bank account, we'll need to verify your identity and ask a few questions. Our sign-up process is quick and allows you to start connecting the digital services that collect your data to your account as soon as possible. Get data union representation and leave the hassle to us.

Connect your data to your account from across the web
There are so many opportunities for transforming the way your household works with technology. At the Café we believe in starting fresh by keeping you informed and in control as the very first step. We'll put all your data in one central place and let you decide who you can share with or not, including us!

Enjoy our Café's Big Data insights to check your data value.
Data union members aren't just joining a technology platform they're joining a social platform. As a union, we'll keep all members informed on the very best deals for them. By sharing our anonymous insights together, we can level the playing field and build more sustainable collaborations.

Join a #smartmovement
Read from some of the thought leaders in this space...
Support the project, join the Data Union Café waitlist.
Joining the waitlist for Beanies Membership will help fund our R&D and grow the Café.

See our published MBA research
Our Business Analyst, Lubham Mehrishi, published her MBA research paper this summer, supervised by our CEO while stationed in our company. See her work below.
Checkout our Data Union Hub to learn more...
Learn about data unions, and why we need them.
Have a look at our FAQs or get in contact if you have anymore questions.

We are currently building and testing our MVP. Our beta launch will be available in September. You can join our waitlist to be guaranteed a place in our initial launch. We hope to see you on there!

At the café we take your privacy extremely seriously. We will be employing the latest techniques from the banking sector to protect your data.
While sometimes frustrating, 2-factor authentication will of course be standard and ID verification will be a necessary condition to us acting as your data intermediary in the market.
All our privacy policies and Terms & Conditions will be made clearly available for you to read and as easy to understand as possible.

This is a slightly contentious issue that we feel strongly about. There are many businesses who would sadly like to sell you an idea that you can earn incomes from your data that are comparable to what big tech companies do. We have a while to go yet before the zero-party data market meets these figures but there are many positive steps being taken in that direction and we're confident we'll get there soon.
Therefore, we are building a price comparison tool that can keep you informed in real time where the best value for your data lays. What you can be sure of is that we will never sacrifice your ability to control your own data for the sake of monetising or building commercial relationships. You are always in the drivers seat.

We plan on launching our data union to anybody living in any EU country, the UK, California or Virginia. These options are limited only by jurisdictions who provide legislation for data representatives.
We do however strongly encourage members from countries without favourable legislation to stay connected on social media and join our newsletter so we can keep you informed about the digital labour movement's progress in your country. For example, we will let you know how best you can lobby your representatives to join the movement.

Absolutely. Our platform provides you with the ability to rebuild your Private Network. This means we will help you organise who has your data into first party relationships and third party relationships. From there, you can choose who does and doesn't have access to your data. Simple.

As your trusted data representative the Data Union Café needs to take certain steps to properly identify our members before acting as your data intermediary. This KYC process is similar to a financial services provider or FinTech platform for example.
However, we are fundamentally a privacy focussed enterprise aiming to give you the most control of your personal data as possible. This means that we will only keep enough data to legally prove our relationship to each other with the view of getting that data back where it belongs, with you. Once your data is in your account you can control who does and doesn't see it (and yes, that includes us).
While this describes the essence of our agreement, for full details you should see our Privacy Policy before you sign up alongside our Terms & Conditions and Data Representative Authorisation document.

Currently we are aiming to launch our data union membership for as low a price as possible, depending on funding. We are looking to release a free tier which provides the basics of privacy protection, with more premium features reserved for subscribers.

Head to our contact page to learn more about how and why we're building our community at this stage. There you will see the various ways in which you can contact us and in what capacity. As our product goes live we will be posting a dedicated support page and Discord forum so that you can always connect with support to find the answers you need.

Put simply a data union is a way for multiple people to come together and combine their data in order to better leverage control over their rights and the terms and conditions in which they hand over that data.
That being said, there are a variety of ways in which organisations are trying to best achieve that bargaining power for their members. Some provide browsers for example and others cash back schemes.
We encourage you to follow us on LinkedIn where we will cover the state of the data union industry today as well our thoughts on where it should go tomorrow.